Seventeen Tour Follow Again Concert Film

Seventeen Tour ‘Follow’ Again to Cinemas Is More Than Just ‘Very Nice’

Seventeen (despite their name’s implication) is a 13-member boy band group that first formed under Pledis Entertainment nearly 10 years ago in 2015. They’re firmly a part of the 3rd generation of K-Pop artists, and in the past 9 years they’ve made their mark with four successful albums, many more EPs and singles, along with four world tours. Now Seventeen’s achieved another milestone as their live concert film ‘Seventeen Tour ‘Follow’ Again to Cinemas’ debuted in theaters worldwide.

‘Seventeen Tour ‘Follow’ Again to Cinemas’ features performances from their two-day concert at Seoul, aptly titled ‘Seventeen Tour ‘Follow’ Again to Seoul’, that took place mere months ago on April 27th and 28th in 2024. I was only a casual Seventeen fan upon entering with friends, much more familiar with the group than I, so though I’d seen K-Pop concerts before in-person and on-screen I was not sure what to expect. What I was treated to was an incredible concert that turned me from a casual fan to a full blown CARAT (Seventeen’s fan group name.)

The film begins with Sangam Stadium, Seoul’s second largest most famous for its use in the World Cup. Each of the members is incredibly in awe of getting to perform there remembering the last time they performed in this stadium, as part of a medley show with many other major artists, they had to strain to look for their fans amongst the others. Now they were greeted by all CARATS.

The performance begins with a dramatic entrance by the members being lowered down in transparent boxes above the stage. Woozi then begins with his intro, saying ‘SEVENTEEN’s right here!’, which both set the tone for the evening and made it clear Seventeen had to come to blow the fans away. The lyrics ring with even more meaning in this moment as they perform ‘I love my team, I love my crew
We already made it this far,’ as if recognizing their trajectory together has taken them to be able to perform in such a stage.

Following this incredible intro Seventeen then performs a few other older tracks including ‘Don Quixote’, ‘Clap’, and ‘FML’, and ‘Rock with You’. This portion of the set largely takes place in the day and as such the film showcases full shots of the audience, and you see the excitement of the attendees singing along with fan chants. All the while in my theater attendees joined along, both in song and with light sticks, as I saw a fair number in my auditorium.

Next perhaps to allow for an unseen outfit change, as the editing transitioned so smoothly as to not showcase that, we were introduced to the sub-units in Seventeen including ‘Hip Hop’, ‘Performance’, and ‘Vocal. performing ‘Lalali’, ‘Spell’, and ‘Cheers to Youth’ respectively. These sub-units both gave the other members a break while also featuring the unique talents even more fully with each performance.

Seventeen continued on with the set performing ‘Home;run’, ‘Left & Right’, which featured fan favorite, and my favorite, ‘DK time’ featuring member DK. Thereafter they performed ‘Beautiful’ and at this time in the show the members, who had largely performed from the front of the stadium, began to move around the stadium both on moving platforms and on runways that circled the stadium. They would perform through the night ‘God of Music’ and other songs on the setlist sometimes going to and from these stages, so that the audience fully experienced Seventeen as close and personal as possible. Knowing what its like to go to a stage and seeing artists that look like ants I thought this was an incredibly awesome way for the band to really perform for all of their fans.

During perhaps a break in the actual show, the movie then took viewers outside the stadium where fans from across the globe, and from all parts of South Korea, were interviewed. There were a number of American fans who were in attendance, and the fans who stole the show, and got the biggest laugh from our theater, including a husband and wife who appeared to be in a wedding dress. The husband simply said, and I’m paraphrasing, “Once my wife found Seventeen she was happy, and that made me happy.” which was just so sweet. It was a nice moment for us to really see and engage with the CARATS in attendance.

Now nighttime in the stadium the cameras returned us to the stage where Seventeen played one of their newest singles, debuted for the concert audience that night, titled ‘Maestro’. This is the song I knew best as their music video and fancy footwork really stood out for me even in a world of pure K-Pop polish. The live performance of this track was somehow even more incredible, as they embraced the ‘Maestro’ aesthetic with baton. Through this song, and the following songs ‘Hot’, ‘Ima’, ‘Run to You’, and on you could see the sea of lightsticks and camera lights in the audience as the CARATS kept the energy high throughout the set.

Nearing the end of the show, Seventeen performed a couple last songs ‘Together’ and ‘Headliner’, setting up a few false encores as they even suggested performing all night long for everyone and just staying at the stadium. Of course the show couldn’t last forever, and before one final song the members each took time to reflect on the achievement of the night and to thank CARATS. Each was already heartfelt and moving, but tears were flowing from myself and both the theater audience and the concert when Seungkwan, himself quite emotional, broke down especially thinking of his friend ASTRO’s Moonbin who passed away. DK continued with tears as well reflecting on the concert, and it was an emotional moment for all.

Perhaps in a choice by the editors to return to an emotionally uplifting note, we were shown one more member’s shoutout and then transitioned into ‘Very Nice’, the final song of the evening. This is as buoyant a song as any they performed, and it had the boys and the audience jumping up and down throughout the song. With yet more false endings, Seventeen eventually wrapped up the show thanking CARATS and promising to return soon.

These sorts of shows when done poorly, or filmed poorly, can be lost in translation; however, this film perfectly captured that feeling of togetherness and joy one gets at a concert. I can truly say though I was merely a casual fan before, I’m a CARAT now through and through.

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